it was a sad day as we learned one of our favorite vegan products is no more: the vegan mozzarella teese sticks by chicago soydairy have officially been discontinued. their run was short lived, but i speak from personal experience when i say these things were AMAZING. they were my favorite discovery at expo west earlier this year, and i was lucky enough to enjoy a whole bag of them at home. if you live in LA, you may have tried them at tony’s darts away, or grabbed them at viva la vegan in rancho cucamonga. wherever you obtained them from, if you ate these things, consider yourself lucky.
fried up and crispy with melty stretchy vegan cheese inside, these were some of the best snack foods i’ve ever eaten. they were too good for this world!
on the happy news front, it appears chicago soydairy is expanding their business like never before…and now teese is even available at whole foods on the west coast. if you haven’t tried teese yet, track it down. it’s definitely one of (if not the) best vegan cheeses available in america.
let this serve as a reminder to you all: buy vegan products like they’re going out of style, stock pile them, and freeze them for the apocalypse…or the sad day they get discontinued.
Tags: chicago soydairy, teese -
October 11th, 2011vegan cheese
SO PUMPED! teese, one of the best vegan cheeses ever (you may recognize it as the cheese in the LA’s best vegan deep dish), is now available at whole foods in california, nevada, arizona and hawaii. this is so great, i think i’m gonna celebrate with a buffalo mozzarella style pizza. what up:
click here for a complete list of western US whole foods locations selling teese, and click HERE for a one dollar coupon from chicago soydairy. race you guys to whole foods! 3 2 1!
Tags: chicago soydairy, teese, whole foods -
August 31st, 2011poll, vegan cheese
what’s the best vegan cheese in america? you tell me. i go back and forth on this quite a bit. daiya was my favorite for awhile, and then the new stretchy teese came out. at first i wasn’t a fan of follow your heart, but hard times pizza completely changed my mind. i can’t decide! what do YOU think? vote below and let us know.
[poll id=”3″]
feel free to elaborate on your decision in the comments section!
Tags: chicago soydairy, daiya, follow your heart, teese, vegan cheese -
August 2nd, 2011more restaurants (not LA), portland, vegan bakers
portland is a vegan paradise, and i think i need to move there someday. the city has not one, not two, but THREE vegan bakeries. back to eden is one of them, and when we visited the storefront on our recent trip, i instantly fell in love.
back to eden is awesome because in addition to baked goods, they have build-your-own ice cream sundaes with temptation soft serve from chicago soydairy. we had a hell of a time deciding what to order, because everything looked so good. from the chocolate gluten-free cupcakes…
to the massive creamy pie…
Tags: bakery, chicago soydairy, dessert, portland -
March 26th, 2011products
just a quick bit of good news this morning: the dandies tweets (a vegan version of peeps) that we tried out at expo west are now available to the masses via vegan essentials!
i’m so glad these are on the market just in time for zombie jesus day. they come in both orange and lemon flavors, and i speak from experience when i say the orange ones are out of this world.
i used to love peeps when i was a kid, and these are even better. get on it.
Tags: chicago soydairy, dandies -
January 10th, 2011vegan cheese
i haven’t seen anything this awesome in awhile. apparently this chicago-based missed connections ad was inspired by one of our favorite vegan products and sponsors of vegan pizza day, teese by chicago soydairy.
Tags: chicago soydairy, teese“If you want to get together sometime before Monday and drink PBR and make vegan grilled cheese, we’re in if you are.”