July 11th, 2010frysmith, LA restaurants
a couple weeks ago the frysmith (or as i call them, ‘frysmiff’) parked their glorious tank of vegetable oil up the street from the building i work in. i love the frysmith, i really do, but the portion size of an order of fries is huge and i can’t handle all of that deep-fried goodness without feeling 1) a little gross and 2) a little guilty. SO i was really excited when they had “potacos” as a special.
potacos at frysmith
what is a potaco? it’s a tacos with fries as the filling. DUH. fucking GENIUS!
Tags: food truck, fries, special, tacos -
December 9th, 2009frysmith, LA restaurants
this is fucking crazy. vegans, you need to drop whatever you are doing and hunt down the frysmith ASAP. the awesome food truck that has already been making delicious vegan chili fries has now added vegan daiya cheddar to their menu. we begged for this in our last post, but i never thought anyone would actually listen!
check out their website for their schedule, and follow them on twitter for updates. GO GET DAIYA VEGAN CHILI CHEESE FRIES NOW…LIKE, TONIGHT! the fries were amazing before, so i can’t even wrap my mind around this shit. i just can’t believe vegans are finally getting to eat greasy truck food like everyone else. wow.
Tags: daiya, food truck, fries, frysmith, vegan cheese -
November 30th, 2009frysmith, LA restaurants
as you probably know, there is a massive food truck craze sweeping los angeles. mobile vendors are popping up all over the place to sell pretty much every type of cuisine and using twitter to broadcast their location. the latest business to join the club is frysmith, a twittering food truck that specializes in gourmet french fries. frysmith loads fancy kennebec potatoes cooked in canola oil up with various toppings to turn the popular side dish into a complete meal. and the best thing about frysmith is, they have vegan options!
over the weekend, frysmith was doing a stint at the verdugo bar in glassel park during their saturday afternoon patio session. the verdugo is one of our favorite spots to drink in LA, and also where we tried the awesome food of hot knives and mandoline grill, so naturally we had to go check it out.
trying to get the truck into the lot
like many food trucks that are just starting out, frysmith is still ironing out a few kinks. they were supposed to start serving at 3pm, but had some problems getting their truck into the verdugo parking lot and so the food didn’t start coming out until around 4. that’s alright though, the verdugo had a great beer selection to help pass the time as well as board games and good music.
vegan chili fries: organic tomato and mixed beans with soy chorizo and smoked paprika. $4.50
when frysmith started serving, we got an order of vegan chili fries which were absolutely delicious. the long thin potato slices were perfectly crisp and crunchy, piled high with tomatoes, beans, soy meat and chopped onions. the portion was hearty and a great deal at under 5 bucks. i really think the frysmith is onto something because i could eat this as a meal everyday.
if you like vegan junk food, i highly suggest you get your ass out to the frysmith and taste what they’ve got cooking. they make the best vegan chili fries i’ve ever eaten. now if only they would carry some cheddar daiya to sprinkle on top…then they’d be perfect.
follow frysmith on twitter to find out where they’ll be next.
Tags: food truck, french fries, verdugo -