12 responses to “RIP one of our favorite vegan products: mozzarella teese sticks” RSS icon

  • Nooooooo!!! those were my favorite at Tony’s Darts Away!!! ๐Ÿ™ What a bummer!!! ๐Ÿ™

  • I never had a chance to try them, but heard they were discontinued on my last trip to Chicago. So sad! Did they say why? Could we all get together and plead them to bring ’em back?

  • Aw, I never went anywhere that had them.

  • I never got to try them and I SOOOO wanted to. I ordered them online and they totally melted in transport, so I had to throw them out ๐Ÿ™ Now I’m really upset about this, because I used to LOVE mozz sticks…..so sad.

  • I heard about this when I tried to buy some at Viva La Vegan a couple of weeks ago. I am so bummed. I don’t think Teese gave the product a chance — they didn’t even sell them as a retail product!

  • Memphis’ only vegan restaurant, Imagine Vegan Cafe, sold these and they hadn’t been able to order any in months…and they said there were rumors they were being discontinued. Now it’s official. It’s sad, sad, sad day.

  • dammit! I will never get to try them!

  • Quite honestly, these tasted great, too bad the rest of my body didn’t “agree” with my mouth. The good taste wasn’t worth the regret in “the end.” The real question is, how can breaded, deep-fried fat taste bad? It quite simply can not!

  • Just think: For most people, that’s how you’re “supposed” to feel after eating. Every single time. Then they eat something healthy for once and remark at how amazing it is that they don’t feel like shit. Crazy, huh?

  • Wow, I hae never seen a product discontinued so fast. I never got to try them. ๐Ÿ™

  • Oh, I have. Trader Joe’s!

  • Oh shucks, I hadn’t tried these yet:(

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