October 13th, 2011bands, more restaurants (not LA), sacramento, vegan events
finding vegan food can be hard sometimes, but imagine being a vegan musician on tour. shuffling around from city to city, being away from home, and dealing with the pressures of performing—all while trying to find 3 animal-free meals per day in uncharted territory. sounds challenging, eh? well that’s what alex estrada is up to right now, as his band silver snakes embarks on a 10 day tour from california to nevada, to washington and oregon and back again. for educational purposes, alex has agreed to document his vegan tour experience via text to me, and i’m gonna post it all here on the blog. the tour culminates here in LA with a CD release party on october 23rd, so i expect to see you all there after reading what’s gone into the silver snakes’ stomachs for ten days straight. if you aren’t familiar with silver snakes yet, check out their site, listen to them on spotify, and read up on them at peta2.
their tour kicked off today in sacramento, and the band stopped off at a chipotle in lebec, CA for lunch, followed by some sugar plum vegan in sacramento for dinner. here are the photos, along with alex’s direct words via SMS.
chipotle veggie bowl with extra beans, all the salsas, and extra corn tortillas
California classic. Lebec, CA – chipotle veggie bowl. Extra beans, all the salsas, corn tortilla on the side. I have no idea where we are… I think we are by bakersfield.
I found a place in Sacramento I want to try. I hope we make it in time! Dude I heard this place has a jackfruit/walnut tuna melt and animal style fries.. pray4me ;)…
Tags: chain dining, chipotle, sacramento, silver snakes, vegan on tour -
June 3rd, 2011more restaurants (not LA), sacramento
hey readers! time for a field report from sacramento by geanna of green vegan living. she shares some gluten-free goodness from sugar plum bakery, and tells us about a vegan specialty shop called never felt better. we had the pleasure of trying sugar plum’s treats when they were based in los angeles and LOVED THEM, so i can imagine this stuff is just as good, if not better. enjoy!
Sugar Plum Vegan Bakery has only been open a year, but they are a great asset to the city of Sacramento. Not only do they offer delicious vegan baked goods, they also have quite a selection of gluten-free, sugar-free and soy-free options AS WELL AS regular savory menu items (like taco Tuesdays and all-you-can-eat Sunday morning brunches).
Tags: field report, sacramentoMorning Glory Banana/Chocolate Chip muffin. $3