DEALZ ALERT: dr. cow vegan cheese and celebration roasts 1/2 PRICE at figueroa produce!
3November 17th, 2010figueroa produce, storesact fast, vegans! i usually don’t post a lot of discount offers here on the blog, but this one is so epic that it deserves some ink.
aged cashew and brazil nuts cheese by dr. cow
figueroa produce, the friendly neighborhood market in highland park, is selling both dr. cow’s tree nut cheese and field roast celebration roasts at HALF PRICE, while supplies last….
these are honestly two of our favorite products, so be sure not to miss this insane sale. if you have never had dr. cow’s cheese before, you need to try it. i can’t really compare it to melty cheeses like daiya or teese…this is a more gourmet vegan cheese. the kind you’d eat on crackers at a fancy party. it’s by far the best-tasting commercially available vegan nut cheese i’ve ever tasted, and it’s usually pretty pricey. the fact that figueroa is offering this cheese at half price seems too good to be true. TRUST ME, if you are a dr. cow virgin, take this opportunity to try it on the cheap. i’ve never met a person who tasted this cheese and didn’t love it.
as for the celebration roast, it rocks as well. and considering thanksgiving is one week away, i think you are crazy if you don’t take the opportunity to buy this at half price! i served this exact roast to my omnivore parents 2 years ago, and they fell in love with it. field roast does fake meat like nobody’s business, and their celebration roast is one of my personal favorite products of all time!
SO GO…RUN, DON’T WALK to figueroa produce right now! get these deals while they are still available. i don’t know of anywhere else in town that has offered the fancy-ass dr. cow’s cheese at 1/2 price. and get that discount celebration roast for your holiday meal next week. bam!
figueroa produce
6312 North Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90042
Phone 323-255-FOOD (3663)
Fax 323-255-3030
Mon – Sat 7am to 9pm
Sunday 8am-8pmPS: while you are at figueroa produce, be sure to get their one-of-a-kind crazy vegan deli sandwiches. you haven’t lived until you’ve tried one!
Tags: deals, discount, dr. cow, field roast, figueroa produce, highland park, vegan cheese
3 responses to “DEALZ ALERT: dr. cow vegan cheese and celebration roasts 1/2 PRICE at figueroa produce!” 
Wow, cool!
I just went by there on Saturday since I was in the area. I didn’t see any celebration roasts but I think the Dr. Cow’s cheeses were about $9 each normally, and out of my price range. I didn’t have time to try a sandwich either but I should have asked how much the Daiya cheddar blocks cost per pound.
Gauri Radha गौरी राधा November 18th, 2010 at 02:01
Cool, I’ve never tried Dr. Cow brand vegan cheese before.
justvegan November 18th, 2010 at 03:40
Damn, it’s outta my way and I was there Sunday afternoon for my 2nd time getting a deli sandwich. I specifically looked at the Dr Cow’s wishing they were cheaper since it’s the only place in LA that I know to have it. The sale hadn’t started yet 🙁
Definitely get a deli sandwich either way!
Nick November 17th, 2010 at 21:38