vegan twinkies at last
9August 17th, 2008LA restaurants, the vegan spot (closed)UPDATE: since this post, the vegan spot has CLOSED. a new vegetarian cafe has taken its place. this is very sad news indeed. there is no more vegan spot…but i will leave the original post up below for those of you who want to reminisce.
update! since the time of this post, the vegan spot has CLOSED, but these amazing twinkies are available for order from no whey vegan bakery. i highly suggest you get a batch! now, read on…
well, you may have already read my last post…the one where i ventured into uncharted territory, in search of vegan twinkies. although i struck out the first time, i kept trying and eventually found them. damn, they were so worth it.
vegan twinkie from the vegan spot
you see, jenn shaggy is a fellow vegan blogger, who also bakes professionally for the latest hip vegan eatery to grace my fair city with its presence, the vegan spot. her vegan twinkies and cupcakes are so popular that they are getting tons of yelp buzz and are selling out within days of delivery. i feel lucky to have caught her twinkies when they were available.
jenn emailed me the same day she dropped off the batch of piping hot treats, and within 12 hours, they were almost totally sold out. i high-tailed it from my job in hollywood, across town, to buy up the remaining pastries. that meant 5 twinkies at 3.50 each, $17 plus tip of vegan sweets on my lunch break. with only a $20 in my wallet, i couldn’t even afford a sandwich. whatever, it was totally worth it. i just hope jenn saw her rightful share of that small fortune.
the twinkies were chilled when i got them into my car, and i couldn’t resist opening the box and digging into them then and there. oh, so much better than hostess..sweet confectionery bliss. they were crafted perfectly—tiny holes in the sponge cake oozing with frosting.
the presentation was spot on, identical to the childhood treat…but the taste was above and beyond.
goowey details after the jump.
the texture wasn’t cheap and crummy like the boxed variety…instead it consisted of chilled, fluffy angel cake laced with the richest of vanilla frosting. seriously, i sat and devoured 3 of them parked on sunset blvd. in my mini cooper, completely losing the time until the honking parking hopefuls and my sense of duty called me back to my day job.
i have been back to get the twinkies since, and they’ve not been there. the way i see it is, if you happen to come across them (or any of the other much-hyped sweets at the vegan spot), buy as many as you can. you will not be sorry.
the fact that baked goods at the vegan spot are repeatedly sold out is a definite indicator of thieir awesomeness. plus, hey, who doesn’t like to support local vegan bakers/bloggers? can’t go wrong. eat those twinkies up!
Tags: baked goods, twinkies
5 responses to “vegan twinkies at last” 
I am so jealous… I was there on Saturday and there were no Twinkies to speak of. Damn you!
And I’ve totally done that before too, sat in my car and devoured too much of something that I’ve driven way too far to get. You are a glutton after my own heart.
Wowwww! That’s so funny – I used to see Jenn at auditions. So nice to know there are other vegan blogging actors out there!
wow! i just now noticed your comment. these look great 🙂 thank you so much. that’s a really flattering post. there was a picture in the LA Times Online edition last week. i’m working on a pretty great portfolio now.
i’m actually tinkering around with different kinds now. today i’m baking lemon poppy seed. yumyum. -
Michael Skvortsov December 3rd, 2008 at 21:28
I flew all the way in from Russia to try these twinkies, and I’m glad I did! I’m taking a box home.
4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks
the vegan spot in silverlake menu and review | vegan food and living in Los Angeles October 8th, 2008 at 08:34
[…] signature dessert: VEGAN TWINKIES! i have been obsessed with these wonderful vegan twinkies for quite awhile (made by jenn shaggy), so i was ecstatic when i saw that they were in stock. these things sell out […]
vegan burgers and beer at 8 oz. burger bar on melrose | vegan food and living in Los Angeles December 2nd, 2008 at 08:21
[…] burger bar on melrose. apparently jenn doesn’t just write about vegan food and make fabulous cruelty-free twinkies; she can also drop knowledge on new vegan-friendly los angeles eats and thirst-quenching watering […]
no whey vegan cupcakes at cafe muse in hollywood | vegan food and living in Los Angeles December 12th, 2008 at 11:28
[…] company that makes these cupcakes, is owned by jenn shaggy, the maker of the famous los angeles vegan twinkies. her twinkies have gained a lot of local press, and i can say her cupcakes are just as […]
vegan twinkies in los angeles! | quarrygirl: a vegan food blog in los angeles September 16th, 2009 at 08:54
[…] than the real thing. these twinkies were so popular, not only did they get rave reviews from the vegan blogs, but also the non-vegan foodie blogs, as well as the LA times! however these fluffy, […]
Foodeater August 17th, 2008 at 22:42