new sushi menu at shojin: QG approved
8October 24th, 2011LA restaurants, shojinokay, so recently shojin (downtown LA’s premiere vegan spot) introduced a new sushi menu. naturally, i had to check it out. last week i hit up the little tokyo restaurant armed with only an iphone and my pals from clara’s cakes for a light dinner of rolls split between the table. the food was fantastic, the service was friendly, and the all around experience was perfect.
rock mountain roll: tempura shiitake mushrooms and green onions in a vegetable roll, served with wasabi mayo and soy sauce. $10.95
the rock mountain roll was phenomenal. it took the components of my (and every shojin diner’s) favorite appetizer (the rock shiitake tempura) and made it into an easy to consume roll. BRILLIANT!
pirates of the crunchy: fried tempeh, crunchy tempura batter and green onion mixed with spicy mayoin a green vegetable roll. served with spicy dynamite sauce. $10.95
oh pirates of the crunchy, where do i start? this may usurp the dynamite roll as my favorite sushi ever. seriously, go order this just to see what it’s like. little rice patties stacked high with overflowing creamy, crunchy, spicy fried tempeh. magical!
we also tried some old items (yet new to us!), including…
garlic crunchy roll: celery and green onion inside, crunchy tempura batter outside. served with garlic and yuzu citrus soy sauce. $7.95
the garlic crunchy roll was great, but very celery-heavy!
ginger eggplant roll: grilled eggplant and scallions werved with soy sauce. $7.95
the eggplant roll was delicious, i think i ate most of this one. nothing crunchy or heavy about this roll though, so only order it if you love the pure untainted taste of eggplant.
now that shojin has their alcohol license, i was able to indulge in a draught japanese beer. more inventive customers should take advantage of the creative cocktail menu.
anyways, can’t wait to go back to shojin. i love it more every time i eat there.
Tags: downtown la, sushi
333 S. Alameda St. Suite 310
(Little Tokyo Shopping Center 3F)
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: 213-617-0305
8 responses to “new sushi menu at shojin: QG approved” 
I keep intending to go and JUST get a ton of sushi, but a lot of the entrees are so good, it never ends up happening. Oh well, I guess that’s still a win.
Dude! Last time I went with the bf we had Pirates and the Rock Mountain Roll. Holy Mother of Flavor. So fucking good. They are getting more awesome by the minute. Not just with their creative rolls, but every time we’ve gone in the last 3 months, they offer free hot tea or some kind of fruit offering before and after your meal. The service is extraordinary, I can’t say it enough. I LOVE YOU, SHOJIN! <3
Thanks for another post on one of my favorite restaurants on the planet!! The Pirates of the Crunchy blew my mind the last time I was in there, too, and is now my top-rated roll. Also shockingly good is the mushroom appetizer (stuffed shiitakes, I think it’s called). Have you tried???? I don’t even like mushrooms that much and it makes me weep!
MrsVeganPizza October 24th, 2011 at 22:09
Soooooo yummmy! Would go here all the time if I lived closer.
Sat Daya October 25th, 2011 at 11:03
The Pirates of the Crunchy is definitely a winner. Right up there with the Dynamite Roll.
I also had the new Spicy Mabo Ramen. Shojin’s ramens are beyond incredible.
veganjake October 25th, 2011 at 13:03
All those rolls are so good! You can’t even speak when a piece goes in your mouth, all you can do is sit there and smile. speechless. The staff is awsome too!
Tsugu is the MAN!!!
Gregalor October 24th, 2011 at 19:14