UPDATED: CSA launches in echo park on tuesday! pick up at
12mooisilver lake market!August 11th, 2010LA restaurants, mooiUPDATE 12/10/10: i just got an email from CSA, and the pickup spot has moved down the street, about a mile away from mooi! here is the new info they sent me:
Hi There! I just wanted to give you news on our pick up location in Echo Park. There is a new health food store near by Mooi. It’s our new pick up spot. And for people who can’t pick up by 5 the bags will be left at the store, and they can pick it up after hours. I know that was a concern for some of the people when they originally read the article. I’d love it, love it if you’d be willing to update the information. I hope this will help out the community more, as several people told me they can’t pick up until after 5. Now they can! I hope all is well!
Here’s the address. 0.9 miles from Mooi
Silver Lake Market
2829 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, 90026. (213) 908-6730.great news, eastsiders! community supported agriculture is headed to your area starting next week! if you haven’t heard of CSA, it’s basically an awesome program where you can get a massive box of locally grown fruits and vegetables for $25 per week, available at pickup locations all over los angeles.
huge box of fruits and vegetables, available weekly. $25
as reported earlier this week by LAist and echo park now, CSA are making their eastside debut on tuesday august 17th at none other than the amazing restaurant (and quarrygirl BFF), mooi.
here is the official word from CSA’s newsletter:
CSA launches next Tuesday August 17th in Echo Park at a new raw food restaurant called Mooi. Mooi is located at 1700 W Sunset Blvd. We will be there every Tuesday from 3-5. We may extend the hours to 5:30 once we have enough customers. Below is a link to sign up for the program. You can participate every week or every other week. You will see a list of what was in last weeks bag online. We stick with the season and everything is organic. Each bag is $25 and $2 from every bag goes to school garden programs. Please spread the word!
i have had the pleasure of eating my way through an entire CSA box in the past, and let me tell you, it was a damn good value. the fruits and vegetables are extremely fresh and plentiful, and it’s so wonderful eating something that you know was locally grown.
so please, ORDER YOURSELF SOME CSA PRODUCE and PICK IT UP AT MOOI next week. and whilst you are at mooi, eat some of the awesome vegan ice cream and raw food!
for more info on CSA
Tags: csa, echo park, vegetables
for more info on mooi
12 responses to “UPDATED: CSA launches in echo park on tuesday! pick up at mooi silver lake market!” 
can u get box with no fruit, just vegetables?
im getting my first csa box this sunday actually. im stoked!.. cool that its at mooi, i can add some to my plate -___-
While the variety isn’t quite as extensive and the food travels a bit further (from near Bakersfield), the South Central Farmers have been doing CSA boxes for pickup in Hollywood and Eagle Rock for several years, and they’re cheaper. I feel really strongly about supporting them, given their history in the community and their plans for the future.
But really, I think the more CSAs, the merrier. This CSA looks great, too. 🙂
Screwdriver August 12th, 2010 at 10:04
All the locations near me only have pick up schedules during my work hours…..great idea, but I hope that they will someday cater to the working people in my area.
I second Crystal and Screwdriver–how many people are really able to pick up their boxes during those hours?!
For the workers – See if enough of your workmates are interested, and maybe your boss will allow one employee to take time to grab everything for the group. My workplace just started doing this with a CSA pickup in the Venice area. It’s awesome!
Gregalor August 12th, 2010 at 21:20
Some people are employed by slave drivers, like me. Good thing my hours are what they are. That scenario would NEVER happen. Every second of our day is timed; quit literally, we have to stop the timer to use the restroom or refill our water cups and if the time-spent-actually-working is below 7.3 hours or whatever, we get a talking to. It’s super fun working for an Indian megacorp!
Damn Gregalor, the work environment sounds tough. What type of work do you perform?
skeeboo August 11th, 2010 at 18:22