• daiya cheese now at cinnamon vegetarian!

    November 2nd, 2009quarrygirlcinnamon, LA restaurants, vegan cheese

    daiya cheese now at cinnamon vegetarian!

    great news, los angeles vegans! cinnamon in highland park now has DAIYA CHEESE!!!! named one of the top 5 vegetarian restaurants in los angeles, cinnamon has been one of our favorites for a long time. they specialize in light but traditional meatless mexican cuisine, and they are becoming more and more vegan-friendly as the days go by. now that they have added daiya cheese to their arsenal, i know i will be visiting much more frequently.

    i know that there are tons of daiya pizza options in town…but cinnamon is one of only two mexican restaurants that offer the stretchy, gooey, realistic miracle product. i stopped by cinnamon this weekend to try out the new daiya, and it was awesome as always. they give you the choice of “cheddar” or “italian” flavor, my favorite being the cheddar.

    daiya cheese quesadilla at cinnamon

    i had my daiya in a plain quesadilla…which may sound a bit boring, but oh man was it delicious. the tortilla was soft and perfectly grilled, and the cheese was melted and sooooo real tasting. it went down great dunked in cinnamon’s amazing hot sauce and slathered with flesh guacamole. seriously, there is no vegan product on this earth i love more than cheddar daiya.

    i can’t wait to get back to cinnamon and try out daiya in even more exciting dishes….i am thinking vegan cheese enchiladas next time. who’s with me? and if you haven’t tried cinnamon yet, you really are missing out. we wouldn’t name it one of the best vegetarian restaurants in LA for no reason, now would we?!

    cinnamon vegetarian
    5511 N Figueroa St
    Los Angeles, CA 90042
    (323) 982-9480

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15 responses to “daiya cheese now at cinnamon vegetarian!” RSS icon

  • Cinnamon has the best tofu in LA, I imagine it would be even better with Daiya.

  • Try the cheddar melted on tortilla chips with slices of jalapeno: one of my top five uses for delicious Daiya!

  • holy shitballs. it’s killing me that i may have to wait until tomorrow to get back there. now i could care less if their chips come from a bag. just throw some daiya on them! i’m going to be dreaming of enchiladas all day…

  • That really IS great news! I enjoyed my meal at Cinnamon the one time I went and have been hoping to get back ever since. A cheddar Daiya quesadilla doesn’t sound boring at all to me…I’ve made them myself at home!

  • omg omg omg!
    If i didnt love cinnamon already, I would now!
    This seriously made my day!

  • Ugh, I need to go to this place!!! Get it together, Brittany!

  • have you tried the flautas at cinnamon? they are some of the best food i’ve ever tasted.

  • Is it reasonable to walk there from the gold line?

  • B Sauce: i’m not sure, but it’s worth the trip!

  • closed on tuesdays closed on tuesdays closed on tuesdays
    all day. so don’t go on a tuesday. like i did. today.

  • I tried to go to Cinnammon today too! Who closes on Tuesday? Honestly? I will try again tomorrow.

  • @B Sauce

    super easy walk from the highland park stop, tops 3 minutes.

  • I just had a Chicken Sandwich with Daiya – OMG!!!! The flavor and texture are superb. The sandwich itself was always awesome, but now its UUBER AWESOME.

    For those of you who haven’t been to Cinnamon yet, go!

  • so glad they finally have vegan cheese… makes me very happy.. And Daiya is the BEST!

  • I tried the vegan enchiladas with daiya last Wednesday…it was delicious, as was the guacamole. The guacamole was so good I was able to ignore the chips from a bag. My bf had the mole and he said it was delicious as well 🙂

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