vegans can join the bacon craze!
18July 30th, 2009vegan cheeseunless you have been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about this national bacon craze that’s been going on. people are putting bacon in donuts, chocolate, and other places you’d never have imagined. companies are designing purses, wallets and even bandages with bacon designs. bacon seems to be EVERYWHERE, and there is just no escaping it. well guess what, just because bacon is fucking disgusting animal flesh doesn’t mean that vegans can’t get in on the fun. redwood foods lets vegans join the action with a bacon-flavored cheezly. that’s right, one of our favorite vegan cheeses has taken the bacon plunge.
i spotted this cheezly with “added bacon style pieces” when i was at food fight in portland, and i just knew i had to give it a try. i smuggled the block back to LA in my carry-on and cracked into it a few days later. i can’t even tell you how excited i was to try vegan bacon cheese. it sounds so wrong, i knew it had to be right.
when i opened the cheese, it looked like a normal white cheddar block, but with tiny little bits of bacon sprinkled throughout. redwood foods makes a really top notch vegan rasher, so i had pretty high expectations for this. i tried a bite of the cheese raw, and boy it sure tasted bacony! it was a little crumbly, with a strong cheddar flavor combined with a great salty bacon taste. so far, so good.
i used the cheezly to make a panini along with mushrooms, onions, garlic and some tofurky slices. while the sandwich was enjoyable, the bacon cheese completely overwhelmed all the other flavors. it was basically all i could taste. i wouldn’t recommend mixing this with too much stuff, next time i would make the sandwich with just bacon cheezly and nothing else.
the next day i took some of the cheezly and threw it on top of a boca patty, making for a vegan bacon cheeseburger. despite the fact that it wasn’t that photogenic, i can assure you it was damn tasty.
so overall, i would give bacon-flavored cheezly a great review, you just have to know what to pair it with. if you vegans wanna get in on all the bacon madness, this is a great way to do it.
you can order cheezly online from various different vegan stores…and right now for a short time, veganessentials.com is having a huge 30% off cheezly sale. get some now, before it’s too late!
Tags: bacon, cheezly
16 responses to “vegans can join the bacon craze!” 
Yum, I’m glad you guys are finally getting to enjoy the bacon cheezly we’ve been munching over here for years!
bacon flavor without harming piggies = my dream.
Nebraska July 30th, 2009 at 13:28
I tried this about a year ago and it is AMAZING. Go buy some right now!
I like it just with cheese and crackers
JenDiggity July 30th, 2009 at 17:32
I put out slices of that stuff with crackers at Xmastime and everyone (meat-eaters included) raved. I wish I would have thought to top a burger with it – I’m drooling over the picture.
I remember getting bacon/maple donuts from VooDoo and thinking “WTF?!?”, but they were great.
But when I think of Bacon Cheezly, I always picture Jon Stewart talking about baconaise!
National Bacon Craze? So, it’s not an isolated incident? There are some people at work who started “Bacon Friday” …they’d put raw bacon in the microwave near my office for like 10 minutes and stunk up the whole f’ing place. I almost threw up, and the smell lingered all day. Needless to say, I lost my temper a bit and they never used that microwave for bacon again ….but still – I’m like…who the F thinks it’s a good idea to cook bacon at work!?!?!?!
I don’t get this fake vegan meat and cheese industry? If vegans have compassion towards all life forms instead of just themself like most vegans do, then why do they drop eating animals and the products made from them and their body fluids and then go right back to eating the exact same junk but made with complex chemicals from a so-called vegan food manufacturer? I don’t even want to be reminded of the gross foods that are made from animals and their body fluids at all and I eat a diet that is made from only foods that I can recognize being from the plant world such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, shoots, sprouts, etc. Who cares how close these fake products resemble the animal product they replace? It all seems like a very moot idea to even consider.
Besides that, these complex fabricated chemical laden foods are nearly as poisonous as the original animal food they replaced. Read the ingredients on the packages and see if they are simple and whole foods…No way! Do you know that carageenan is one of the causes of ulcerative colitis and is used by the medical industry to cause UC in labratory animals? It’s a main ingredient in this fabulous vegan cheese product. Buying this product is actually helping sustain the animal testing industry and is contributing to the terrible cruelty to test animals. Is that really vegan?
I think the whole idea is silly. Be creative and make all the fancy dishes you want but for heaven’s sake don’t just copy the meat and cheese dishes with these replacements – it’s just not right. Meat eaters can just point a finger at you all and say that those crazy vegans can’t stop (really) eating animals so they fake them by using these complex concoctions of who knows what to replace the animal parts.
I know this blog is really popular with vegans and I think being vegan is great but this is a big point that bothers me. Are we that vane that we can’t just get away from the entire animal food relationship? They are not food but our planet-mates and we need to respect them without trying to copy dishes we once ate with their body parts in them.
@VeganHam: that’s a really ironic screen name for someone supposedly so concerned with the “entire animal food relationship”.
And you can take my chickenless buffalo wings when you pry them from my cold dead hands.
oh god, I’ve read a few posts back and couldn’t stop drooling…
I’m from Israel and I can only dream of true vegan pizza with stretchy cheese…..
we have no vegan cheese here 🙁 only cheese spreads..
Im so envious right now. *drools* -
People choose to be “vegan” for a multitude of reasons. I would venture to say that if there weren’t any vegan “cheese”/”meat” options, there would be quite a few people that would be discouraged from being vegetarian/vegan. If people want to have a meal with a fake substitute, I don’t see the big deal. It’s a novelty for us without the guilt. I fail to see how eliminating faux products is more beneficial to animals.
Cobweb August 3rd, 2009 at 17:54
Look, cultures develop favored foods, and children who grow up eating them want to enjoy them as adults. People who develop enough post conventional morality to turn away from non-ethical food items should not have to unilaterally give up all the foods they grew up with and love if ethical alternatives are available. I love eating herb steamed veggies, and boarder quinoa salad as much as the next girl, but every now and again I’m going to want a BLT with tempeh bacon.
Although I’m not really into the vegan bacon cheese, I wouldn’t knock it ’til I tried it. People should be encouraged to embrace veganism by having options available to them, rather than repelled by illogical restrictions.
I don’t think anyone who chooses to be vegan looses sight of the relationship between animals and meats. Fake meats are just that, fake, and ethical (except for that Taiwanese shit lol!)
Delicious…It taste better than Daiya but Daiya is good too.Why can’t we have all different types of vegan cheese?
my mom suffered colitis last year and it was quite an expensive disease.;`-
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Jojo July 30th, 2009 at 09:02