chocolate vegan twinkies!
6October 18th, 2008LA restaurants, the vegan spot (closed)update! since the time of this post, these amazing chocolate twinkies are available for order from no whey vegan bakery. i highly suggest you get a batch! now, read on…
i absolutely love chocolate. it’s the best. if i see a chocolate dessert, it takes every bit of will power i have not to devour it. i’m pretty glad to be a vegan, meaning i can’t eat most of the tempting chocolate treats that i encounter in day to day life. because if i could, i’d be a hell of a lot fatter.
i also love vegan twinkies. so imagine how excited i was to learn last week that la’s most famous vegan twinkie baker, jenn shaggy had whipped up a special batch of her legendary treats in double chocolate flavor. yep, chocolate cake and chocolate frosting…my dream come true. i booked it to the vegan spot to pick up some of the goods as soon as i could, and while i do love everything on the vegan spot’s menu, this time i was just coming for twinkies. they were even better than i could have imagined.
i was lucky enough to be handed a box of 5 beautiful chocolate vegan twinkies by the gifted baker herself and i couldn’t help but ask how the hell she does it. she wouldn’t let me in on the secret twinkie recipe, but she did tell me that she loves experimenting with flavors making different style twinkies for all occasions. a wizard in the kitchen at only 23 years old, i’m really hoping jenn shaggy opens up her own restaurant some day. from twinkies to dorritos, she has figured out a way to make anything vegan. i highly recommend checking out her blog, where she shares a few of her recipes.
back to the twinkies. they were off the hook. they didn’t taste anything like limp, packaged twinkies from when i was a kid…instead they tasted like the most decadent chocolate cake filled up with creamy sinful frosting. they were so delicious that my husband refused to believe they were vegan, i mean they were just too incredibly rich.
the frosting was even better than the stuff in jenn’s normal vegan twinkies, which are delicious as well. but what can i say, i am obsessed with chocolate. i highly recommend that if you are lucky enough to get your hands on one of these, you have a full glass of soy milk at your side. the cake is just so moist and flavorful, each bite goes down well with a cold sip of vanilla milk.
they don’t photograph quite as well as normal twinkies, especially when cut in half because it’s brown frosting against brown cake. but trust me, what they lack in looks they more than make up for in taste! i munched down three in one sitting and then had to stop myself. a very fortunate co-worker was given a bite of my twinkie (i only had 5, it’s not like i could spare a whole one) and i didn’t tell her it was vegan until she had already raved about how awesome it was. a testament to the twinkie.
so, go to the vegan spot and get some twinkies! now! they are awesome. and be sure to try whatever flavors you can. the standard ones are delicious, but not nearly as savory as these chocolate babies. and keep track of jenn as well, who knows where her desserts will show up, and you gotta be there to try them.
Tags: chocolate, dessert, twinkies
6 responses to “chocolate vegan twinkies!”
To the contrary, I think your photos came out very nice, sunlight and food always go well together. That bottom one especially… I just wanna sink my teeth into this screen right now!
p.s… I’m vegan and I’m still fat 🙂
You are so lucky to have been handed fresh goodies by the baker herself! I read her blog, too; it’s wonderful and she is amazing. One of these days, we should all have our own little vegan meet-up!
Just tried Vegan Spot today.
I had the burger and husband had the breakfast burrito.
We both had the plain twinkies. I have to say that they were good but not great. I think I got a little upset when I found out that they were $3.50 each. Other than the price, I would definitely indulge again.
The food was great too. The area not too much. -
They look really delicious. We don’t have “twinkies” as such here, but we’ve got similar cakey things and I love them.
Chocolate twinkies?!?! Yay! I’m with Vegyogini… Meet up!
Ps, I get my Twinkie pan tomorrow and I’m going to attempt them in my own kitchen. Wish me luck!
Foodeater October 18th, 2008 at 10:07