spicy vegan potato salad
3i love food that causes me pain and makes my eyes water. so naturally, i find a typical potato salad rather dull. last night i came up with this recipe (adapted from many others) that’s extremely spicy, rich with flavor, and 100% vegan.
here’s what you’ll need to make it happen:
2 pounds of red potatoes
4 stalks of celery
1 red onion
1 1/2 cups of vegenaise
5 tablespoons of colman’s english mustard
1 teaspoon of salt
black pepper to taste (i use lots!)now that you’ve got the goods, the first thing you do is cut the potatoes up into small pieces and boil them until they’re soft. (for me, this meant 15 minutes…but for you, it may take longer, depending on your stove.)
while the potatoes are boiling, cut up the celery and onion into tiny pieces.
be careful! do not cry whilst cutting the onion. save all your tears for the ridiculously hot creation that awaits.
once the potatoes are done getting soft, drain them and let them cool to room temp.
then, mix the potatoes with all other ingredients…except the mustard! make sure the vegenaise forms an even coating.
now that everything is mixed up, you are ready for mustard time! the recipe takes all you n00bs into account and suggests 5 tablespoons, but i ended up using closer to 10. i’ve built up an immunity to coleman’s heat…so i require an insane amount for my addiction to be satisfied. i advise you to keep adding mustard until you can’t stand it, because the more the better!
when you are finally done mixing everything together and spooning in enough mustard to make your head explode, put the potato salad in the ‘fridge for a few hours (i left it in there for 4).
when the sun goes down, and your salad is ready, you will end up with something that vaguely resembles this.
hopefully you’ll enjoy this recipe as much as i did!
Tags: appetizer, english, mustard, potato salad, side dish
2 responses to “spicy vegan potato salad” 
Hi Quarry Girl,
I think our taste buds are related…after perusing several websites/blogs for a vegan take on traditional potato salad, I believe I’ll go with your decidedly uncomplicated yet perfectly delicious looking recipe for this weekend’s festivities.Thanks for all you do on the veganism front!
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holiday show off post: twinkies, tofurky and vegan gifts! | vegan food and living in Los Angeles December 28th, 2008 at 12:59
[…] parents brought with them some wonderful sides including the quarrygirl recipe for potato salad, and a broccoli salad that my mom veganized. you can see the original broccoli salad recipe here. […]
Miss Peach July 2nd, 2009 at 07:46