the madeleine bistro box: vegan haute cuisine delivered to your door
28May 6th, 2010LA restaurants, madeleine bistrowhat’s the difference between us, and people like ellen degeneres? well, ellen and other famous herbivores of the like can afford to have the top vegan chefs in the country prepare them fine meals throughout the week that they will never tire of—they don’t have to worry about cooking or grabbing something to-go for dinner every night.
but now thanks to madeleine bistro, us normal folks can have the same privilege. for a reasonable price, los angeles residents can enjoy several days worth of entrees, sides, soups, and treats all made by dave anderson, one of the best vegan chefs on the planet. that’s right, the playing field has been leveled between us and ellen. unfortunately, we still have to do our own dishes.
we were lucky enough to be some of the first ones to test the new box concept by madeleine bistro, and here’s a look at what came in our package…
3 containers of each of the following entrees:
tofu and vegetable pot pie
chickpea and cauliflower tagine
grilled lemon-rosemary seitan4 containers of soup:
celery root-leek carrot2 containers of each of the following sides:
rice pasta salad with lemon-rosemary vinaigrette
morrocan quinoa
cauliflower puree
green vegetable and garlic sauté
roasted root vegetablesand also a batch of treats:
low-fat butternut squash cookies with dried cranberries and walnutsit also came with detailed heating instructions and very helpful and creative serving suggestions. for example, “Make a stew by dicing up a few pieces of seitan and stirring it into 1/4th of the celery-root,” or “If you don’t have time or the desire to apply heat, make a dinner salad by tossing pasta salad, green vegetables, a few pieces of diced seitan and lemon-rosemary vinaigrette to taste.”
overall we loved the box. everything was delicious, fresh, well-prepared, and seasonal. we enjoyed it in the winter time, which is why you’ll notice a lot of root vegetables and hearty dishes like seitan and pot pie. we received it on a sunday and it ended up lasting until the following monday. we both had it for dinner 4 nights, plus each had it for lunch a couple days throughout the week, and then had some dishes as appetizers on other nights. here is what we thought of each dish…
grilled lemon-rosemary seitan
the grilled lemon-rosemary seitan was awesome. we both agreed it was some of the best seitan we’d ever had—slightly tender and chewy with just the right amount of flavor. i could eat it every night of the week.
green vegetable and garlic sautee
the green vegetable and garlic sautee was excellent and came with a large amounts of sprouts and leafy greens. it was a simple dish, extremely light but quite delicious. we ate this up right away and it was one of the first things gone.
roasted root vegetables
the roasted root vegetables were also amazing. a mix of brunoise potatoes, celery root, and butternut squash all lighty seasoned with a touch of olive oil. amazing!
the cauliflower puree was HANDS DOWN MY FAVORITE THING IN THE BOX!!!!
cauliflower puree
whoa, this stuff was magical. it was like mashed potatoes but 1,000 times better. i really wish dave would add this to the regular madeleine bistro menu, so i could eat it whenever i want.
tofu and vegetable pot pie
the tofu and vegetable pot pie was rich, creamy, and incredibly tasty. one of my favorite things that came in the box, i could eat this all the time. the biscuits that came with it were perfectly soft and fluffy as well.
rice pasta salad with lemon-rosemary vinaigrette
the rice pasta salad with lemon rosemary vinaigrette was cool and refreshing, a great contrast to the other stuff in the box. we ran out of vinaigrette after one pasta salad though because we used it on a previous night with a green salad, but the pasta salad was still delicious on its own.
the chickpea and cauliflower tagine as well as the morrocan quinoa made for tasty lunches throughout the week…
chickpea and cauliflower tagine with morrocan quinoa
the chickpea and cauliflower tagine was good, although i enjoyed the entrees better. it was slightly sweet and boasting lots of complex vegetable flavors, and all the protein in it made it quite filling. the morrocan quinoa was pleasant as well, but we had a lot of it left over. this is the only thing in the box we actually didn’t completely finish.
celery root leek soup
the celery root-leek soup was great. creamy and luscious, we had it two nights during the week as an appetizer and didn’t get tired of it.
low-fat butternut squash cookies with dried cranberries and walnuts
the cookies were damn good, especially for healthy cookies. they made for perfect low-fat treat that i could enjoy without feeling guilty.
overall, the madeleine bistro box was a HUGE success, and i am so happy to see it’s finally being launched! they are rolling things out slowly, and right now current delivery areas for the box include: burbank, north hollywood, sherman oaks, and beverly hills. they are expanding into additional areas over the next few weeks so please contact the restaurant if you are interested in signing up. as of now, the price is set at $100 per box (a steal!), but could be up to $125 for delivery areas not yet added.
contact madeleine bistro and sign up for the box NOW, you will not be disappointed. don’t we all deserve to live like vegan celebrities?
madeleine bistro
(818) 758-6971another great way to reach them is to friend them on facebook and send them a message!
Tags: delivery
27 responses to “the madeleine bistro box: vegan haute cuisine delivered to your door” 
OK, I count 29 items on your table. That’s an average of $3.44 per item. Imagine you use about 3 per 3-course meal (some of one, some of another, a side or two), that’s about $10 per serving which is amazing value.
I wonder how long this stuff will keep? Will it freeze? I’d get one of these a month easily and eat it a few times a week. What an awesome idea.
WOW that’s a fuckin steal for all that food. i may have to try this out!
Mindy May 6th, 2010 at 08:57
I had hoped the delivery was going to include regular menu items. Disappointed.
madeleine bistro May 6th, 2010 at 09:54
The menu changes weekly and sometimes includes items from our regular menu. More will be added as we continue with this service and we are open to requests if you have them!
Wow! I can’t believe the price!!! I would be all over this except…I am trying to watch my weight and I think most of this stuff is probably pretty caloric. I wonder if they would release calorie/fat info at any point (I realize that is a huge undertaking but it would be very helpful–hint hint Madeleine Bistro if you are listening 🙂 )
@Yo Soy I agree. I was surprised by the low fat cookie at the end, I’d like to understand how a cookie with nuts in it is low fat 🙂
@Madelines Bistro. We’ve emailed you a bunch seeing if you could prepare a low fat oil free starch based vegan meal, the kind recommended by Dr. McDougall, The China Study’s Dr. Campbell Dr & Rip Esselstyn, The Cancer Project, PCRM & Neal Barnard, etc. We know you’re busy but every other restaurant in town will do it for us!!!
This is seriously food porn!
Madeleine Bistro is my favorite restaurant ev-ah!
Elise May 6th, 2010 at 15:35
Where did you get that awesome skull bowl? I have been looking to buy Skull and crossbones dinnerware.
LCmom May 6th, 2010 at 19:06
How does the amount of food compare to Vegin’ Out? I would love to order if it is at least comparable.
Actually I think you get more food with Vegin’ Out and their package has more variety. Those cookies sure look delish though!
NxtPlz May 9th, 2010 at 10:46
Dave Anderson is the best vegan chef ever! I am so excited about this very reasonable and delicious looking food delivery program.
phil-eye May 10th, 2010 at 17:01
The dinnerware is from Z-gallerie-two seasons ago. Long gone. Last time I checked, they only had coasters and napkins left.
Thank YOu for posting this helpful site about “the madeleine bistro box: vegan haute cuisine delivered to your door”. I like it. just keep on posting. 🙂
when i get lazy cooking, i just order from food delivery services.:`.
i am a regular customer of food delivery services and i find them very convenient.**
do you deliver nationwide? my son and daughter-in-law live in georgia. they would love your food.
1 Trackbacks / Pingbacks
vegan home delivery in los angeles: madeleine bistro box | quarrygirl.com October 13th, 2010 at 18:25
[…] in los angeles, madeleine bistro, also has the best home delivery service: the bistro box. we have raved about the box before (trust me, it’s THAT good) but since then, madeleine bistro has made several changes to the service, and this week’s […]
spotted_one May 6th, 2010 at 07:41