LA beer week! GET ON IT!
1October 10th, 2010Uncategorizedobviously this blog is normally about vegan food…but you know that we love to booze it up as well, so i just wanted to give you a heads up about LA beer week. the 11-day celebration of beer culture in los angeles and orange county is already underway, and will culminate with an enormous all you can drink beer festival on sunday 10/17 in downtown LA (hurry and get your tickets NOW!).
awesome beer events are going down all around LA this week, and the sponsors include several of our BFFs including tony’s darts away, surly goat, verdugo, eagle rock brewery, and drink eat travel. be sure to check out the events calendar for more info, and please try to make it to the festival next sunday. after all YOU NEED TO GET IN SHAPE FOR THE LA VEGAN BEER FEST, okay?!?! consider this a warm up!
Tags: alcohol, beer, beer, events
Stan October 11th, 2010 at 14:22