your weekend in food: bakesales, benedicts, & frankenstand!
10April 23rd, 2010news, other, vegan bakerssearching for something tasty to do this weekend? well, look no further!
here’s a list of vegan food events you won’t wanna miss…
first off you have bake me up LA, in celebration of the world wide vegan bake sale. this weekend’s event will take place on saturday from 11am-5pm in the soon-to-open mooifood restaurant space (see flyer for address). it will feature loads of goods from local vegan bakers including cookies, brownies, danishes, loafs, and boston cream pies. the proceeds from the sale will be donated to 2 animal groups (kitten rescue and PAWS LA), so be sure to go gorge yourself for a good cause.
on sunday morning, you are definitely gonna wanna check out the all you can eat vegan benedict brunch at the meet market in silverlake.
this is only the second benedict brunch they’ve ever held, and the first one was EPIC. they had a huge spread set up with tons of mini tofu-topped toasts as well as a help-yourself vat of hollandaise sauce. it was honestly one of the best brunches i’ve ever eaten. they start serving at 10am, and stop at 2pm—so get there early and get your fill.
on sunday night our favorite food cart, the frankenstand, is serving up gourmet vegan weenies alongside a drive-in showing of LA story. this will take place in dtla at the corner of 2nd and gary at 9pm. for more info, follow @thefrankenstand on twitter.
so there you have it, a fun-filled foodie weekend! get out and make the most of it 🙂
(first photo via bake me up LA)
Tags: bake sale, brunch, franken's, weekend
10 responses to “your weekend in food: bakesales, benedicts, & frankenstand!” 
hmm…might I have time for all 3? and somehow fit some time in for BBQing jerk tofu kabobs at home?
Gauri Radha April 23rd, 2010 at 12:02
Cool, thanks for the info!!
That first picture has put me in the mood for sweets (which I’m already in the mood for 95% of the time already.) And I was trying to hold off on the vegan desserts till evening, but really, resistance is futile I have learned 🙂
Madex’s Guerrilla Drive In is radtastic, and it’s where I got to experience The Frankenstand for the very first and delicious time back in December.
Y’all better show up, I know I’ll be there!
i’m gonna hit up that bake sale!
also, locali just tweeted that there are two vegan entries in tomorrow’s grilled cheese invitational here in LA!
go vegans!!!
Wow, the vegan bake sale blew. I had a muffin that tasted like butt. I love supporting vegan events and I’m glad the money at least went to charity.
Here is the picture of the disgusting muffin http://www.flickr.com/photos/eaten/4549989946/
considering the lack of help the organizer received for this particular bake sale, it’s amazing she even decided to soldier on and go for it regardless. I know most of us would have gone “fuck it!”, but she didn’t, keeping in mind the whole time she was doing it for the charities and not for herself.
you didn’t like the muffin? that’s too bad. other people did. bashing on an event most people flaked on for whatever reason doesn’t seem very supportive to me. -
jennifer April 26th, 2010 at 07:13
that muffin was my favorite thing there! delicious! putting on a bakesale is a whole bunch of work that i wasn’t up for taking on. thanks bakemeup for soldiering through! look forward to next wkend 🙂
Schramm April 26th, 2010 at 08:43
Hey Oscar:
people put a lot of hard work into it and for you to deride others hard work is lamentable. what have you done for the animals lately?
If you can’t say something positive about a charity event go suck yourself off.
XO, schramm
Look, Oscar, everyone has their opinions and I respect them, but putting down a bake sale is just wrong. You have no idea what it took to pull these things together. Sometimes shit happens and you have to overlook them because you’re not doing it for yourself but for the animals you’re raising money for. Having only 3 bakers show up is a total let down, but I’ve never been so grateful of them. They showed how dedicated they were and they put in their time and effort to make every single damn baked good. Yes, some people had “unforseen events” taking place and they couldn’t bring anything by, but that’s not going to stop me from having a bake sale. If you thought the bake sale blew, why don’t you organize the next one at a place you thought was going to be open in time for the event with no-show bakers?
David April 23rd, 2010 at 08:08